Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

PSN back up, New Details Emerge

With the PlayStation Network expected to be back up within a matter of days, Sony's statements to a US House subcommittee seem to point the finger on responsibility back at hacktivist group Anonymous, which initially denied involvement.

Sony described how they have been following four key principles, the first “act with care and caution”, the second to “provide relevant information psn back up to the public when it has been verified”, the third “take responsibility for our obligations to our customers” and finally “work with law enforcement authorities”.

The statement seems somewhat at odds with the company's public statements, which up until at least April 29 seemed to suggest that credit card data had not been touched. Regardless of that fact, Hirai said that Sony had not received any reports of fraud that was believed to be connected to the PSN Back up Online can be hack.
Sony's hack is one of several being investigated by the feds, US Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed to Reuters Wednesday.

"I am of course aware of the criticism Sony has received for the time taken to disclose information to our customers," Hirai wrote. "I hope you can appreciate the extraordinary nature of the events the company was facing -- brought on by a criminal hacker whose activity was neither immediately nor easily ascertainable."

Sony did say that they have been in constant contact with credit card companies, and there have been no reports of any fraudulent claims following the attack. For a detailed report visit the PlayStation Blog.

Either way, frustrated gamers should not have much longer to wait for PSN to come back up. In a blog post Wednesday, Senior director of coporate communications Patrick Seybold wrote that the company was working "around the clock," and would share details soon on how service would return.

"We will continue to keep you posted as we work to restore our network and provide you with both the entertainment and the security you deserve," he wrote.

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